Saturday, January 8, 2011

ntc cosumer rights

  • according to the telecoomunications consumer rights.As the telecommunications sector is regulated by the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC), telecommunication licensees in this sector are required to offer services in compliance with the standards and quality of services set by the NTC, which include technical issues, standards for service contracts, tariff and service charges, as well as consumer rights protection in the areas of personal data, privacy and freedom of communication via telecommunication networks. These standards are introduced to make the provision of such services fair and equitable for both service providers and users, pursuant to Article 51 (10) of the Act on Organisation for Allocating Broadcasting Frequency and Supervising Radio/Television Broadcasting and Telecommunication Businesses, B.E. 2543 (2000).
  •                                                    -National Telecommunication commission
  1.                                                     April 2010

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